About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Hat for a Bald Man

This week, the Bell writers were faced with a challenge: transform a strange vegetable into nine new things. The students read and analyzed Wallace Stevens' poem Someone Puts a Pineapple Together, and then looked and marveled at a large red cabbage. The results are simply amazing!

Ms. Chaudhri's Class
The Cabbage Put Together
by Samara F.

A moon that just fell from the sky.
A cannonball flying up high.
A bulb of a flower waiting to grow,
and a drop of sweat coming from the a wet brow.

A bowl filled with black soup.
A heart in the shape of a loop.
Nerves running to the brain,
and a little tiny drop of Cain.

A flower stuck in a blizzard.
The skin peeling off a brand new lizard.
A giant brain cut in half,
and the eyeball of a new born calf.

What is it?
by Eliot K.

A leaf-like rock waiting for the war to end.
A curled up armadillo resting in the sun.
A moldy cabbage that smells like chocolate.
A cabbage leaf all floppy.
A performance mask, moldy and wet.
A little bowl like a leaf..
A new painting not in a gallery yet.
Layers of salami and dried butter.
A rare stone that looks like an onion.

Wacky Ideas
by Emma S.

A spikey, purple bowling ball that gets bigger on the top.
A dark blooming flower in the tropic.
A scraped up big purple tear drop.

A big circular leaf.
A giant dying rose petal.
A flimsy bowl.

A camp fire blazing up at midnight’s purple sky.
Crystals forming in a secret, underground lair.
A maze that very tiny ants go through to get to the gold.

Mrs. Fukawa's Class

The Light of Darkness
by Destiny F.

The ball with blackness of death.
The shadow of a graveyard zombie.
A burned piece of a house hiding in the trees.
A dark rubbery mask on Halloween.
The dark side of life.
The dark color black with purple vines.
The clearness of the moon.
A shadow of purple and black goo.
The scorpion oozing blood.

A Crazy Day
by Aidan C.

The brain with vessels are pumping then
it starts flying like an eagle.
Leaves all bunched together. If it runs
away, it’s a black cat.
A skull broken together. Rubber duckies
swimming in a pond. Dark woods all
smashed together with black. Dark crows
with two gold crows.
2 million nuts smashed with a
shiny tree that would swift away
like a piece of paper in the
dark scary woods which falls
in a shiny pond.

Seeing Differently
by Laura G.

A butterfly taking its morning nap on a very hot rock.
A very dark rock that someone will trip over.
A very dark cloudy night that looks like it will rain.
A leaf that just got poured on from a storm.
A blanket that is as dark as night.
A leaf as big as an elephant covering the sky.
A thousand layers of dark purple leaves getting ready to burst.
A big dark cloud that never stops raining.
A delicious vegetable getting ready for picking.

by Brennan Q.

A balloon flying high, high into the sky.
The earth in 300 thousand years.
A stone in the cold winter in the attic.
An unknown canyon in the desert.
A dead leaf in the winter.
A black sky at night.
A bird in the sky at night.
A plant growing in the spring, stretching its arms.
The billionth star in the solar system.

Ms. Furgason's Class
The Living Thing
by LeeAnn L.

A purple blob of paint on a canvas.
The ocean waving gracefully.
The rhythm of a soft guitar.
The shell of a snail.
The frosting of a cupcake.
A boat in a terrible storm.
The core of an apple, full of seeds.
The frosty Autumn air.
A stanza in a poem.

What I’m Gonna Transform
by Hannah F.

A bowling pin turns into a beautiful
lovely crystal diamond and then
transforms into a yummy, tasty,
tin can of cream soda.
A delicious tasty cookie jar with
sugar cookies that transforms
into a delicious homemade coconut
drink with a bendi straw on
the hole.

A __________
by Genna G.

A part of a plum in the center.
A black hole in outer space.
A basketball making its way to the basket.
Your brain frozen with frostbite!
A swim cap belonging to a famous swimmer.
A boat in a rainforest.
A blanket for a hog on a farm
A scorpion’s bones in the desert.
A flower’s roots getting rain and food.
A moon on Halloween with a monster in it.

Ms. Manuel's Class

Mystery Transformation: The Cabbage
by Caleb A.

A balloon carrying two love birds on their honeymoon.
A big, juicy blackberry waiting to be picked.
A light shining down upon us.
A boat sailing in the sea.
A hat covering someone’s bald spot.
A Kepa waiting to pray.
A tree shining in the sun.
A few roots waiting for a flower to sprout.
A slice of black bread, waiting to be eaten.

by Sami F.

A leaf that has fallen to the ground
on a dark fall night.
A purple elephant in the jungle.
A purple and blue patch of lettuce.
A flower petal broken off of its stem.
A wrapper from a cupcake eaten last night.
A plum left overnight.
A purple tree in the moonlight.
A palm tree in the dark moonlight.
A flower that bloomed last night.
A piece of lettuce from the night before.

The Cabbage
by Brandon N.

A bowling ball waiting for somebody to use it.
A coconut that fell on someone’s head.
A broken microphone with no handle.
A black egg that is rotten.
A leaf that is a boat for bugs.
An umbrella with no handle.
The roof of a small shelter for bugs.
A broken heart that only has black inside with no blood.
A giant raisin that is cut in half.
Two boxing gloves that are ready for a tournament.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Today and Tomorrow


The students at Bell School did a FABULOUS job on October 10, my first day with them, writing "Today and Tomorrow" poems. After reading Magic by Dahlia Ravikovitch, the students thought about how they were feeling yesterday and today, and might be feeling tomorrow. They then wrote poems trying to express those feelings using vivid comparisons to things out in the world. Enjoy their poems!

Ms. Furgason's Class

by Lillian L.

Today I am a sea spread far and wide to give
little children fun at the beach.
Yesterday I was a garden spreading seeds
and blooming blossoms.
Tomorrow I am going to be a hummingbird
humming in the sunshine.
Last night I dreamt I was a puppy open
to the world.
Everyday I listen to my three sisters playing
with many toys.
Today I am a book for children to adventure
in reading.
Tomorrow I am a tree in the earth
standing importantly upward.

by Maggie F.

Today, I am a star,
a pupil to the mighty sun.
Tomorrow I will be
a blossom, blooming
to the sun of imagination.
Yesterday, I was a book,
my words a secret to
my surroundings.

Last night I dreamt
about the tree
losing its leaves,
red, yellow
orange and gold.

I listen to the leaves,
through the air.

Today I am
a bird, waiting for
the sun to
rise oh so gracefully.

Tomorrow, I will be
snow, falling gracefully
throughout the day.

Isabelle H.

Today I am a cheetah playing
with its friend. Tomorrow I
am a male dear sore
from a battle.

Yesterday I was an A+
star! I have no reason to
be sad!

Last night I dreamt
about a wild monkey
swinging from branch
to branch.

I listened to the kids
laying. They were
shouting, laughing, whispering,
and talking.

Today I am a Mama
bear feeding her cubs.
Tomorrow I am a
peach rolling down
a hill.

by Diego R.

Today I am an endless hill,
tomorrow an endless cloud.

Last night I dreamed
that I was playing in
the clouds all day long.

In the morning I listened:
endless people clapping
and screaming.

Yesterday, an endless river,
tomorrow, endless fun.

Ms. Chaudhri's Class

by Casimir A.

Today I’m a stray cat,
alone in the world.
Tomorrow a samurai, ready for action.
Last night I dreamt
of Halloween. Clashes of
red, blue, and green.
At night fall I hear
cruel words about Bush,
music to my ears.
Today I’m a mouse in a
testing maze.
Tomorrow a Jedi with saber in hand.
Yesterday I was a Buddha, happy and wise.
Today a Pacifist in a mirror room.
Tomorrow a dragon ready to fight.

by Benjamin C.

Today I’m the sea
changing, silent, roaring.

Last night I dreamed of
flying through a storm
as it changed to the

Yesterday I was lightening
fast, powerful, energized.

Last night I dreamed
of the sea curling and
roaring around me.

Tomorrow I’ll be space
swift, wandering darkness
destroyed by hopes and ideas.

Changing Seasons with Me
by Hannah H.

Today I’m a cloud up high in the sky,
tomorrow a mountain tall and bold,
yesterday a humming bird watchful as can be.

All it’s colors bright.
I hear the wind,
powerful and right.
I hear the sun,
beautiful and bright.
Today I’m a cloud,
yesterday a hummingbird,
tomorrow, well, I’ll find out then.

Ms. Fukawa's Class

By Julia R.

Today, I’m as lonesome as a
cave, tomorrow, a dove. How does it
feel to hear Paradise instead of
being in a lonesome cave? It is so quiet,
darkness surrounds my ears. Hands flying,
trying to express myself. I never am and
never will be let out of this cave, but will it
help to have a friend like you? To be able
to express my dismay of not being
yet known or understood, today I write
this poem, tomorrow, I’ll be an eagle, as free
as I can be from Deafness.

by Liam C. K.

Today I’m a sloth.
Tomorrow, I will be an energized dog, ready to play.

Yesterday, I was a mad bull!
I had a dream about cupcakes and ice cream, and one smelly old bean.

Last night, I listened to the outside traffic and the whispering wind through my window.

Today I’m a little old bug trying to figure out how to go through the window.
And tomorrow I’m Me! Me! Me!

Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday
by Amelia G.

Today, I’m a gosling, flying south
for the first time.
Tomorrow, I’m a rose, budding
after a harsh winter.
Yesterday, I was a clam.
I dreamt of angels carrying
me into the soft clouds.
I listened to the little
meowing of a kitten wanting
to be fed.
Today, I am a salmon
swimming upstream, to find
a mate.
Tomorrow, I am a foal,
struggling on my little hooves
to stand for the first time.
Yesterday, I was a piece of gallant
white silk, ready to be made
into a dress for a queen.

Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday
by Michael A.

Today I am nature.
Tomorrow, a monster.
Yesterday I was a tarantula.

My dream was me as a
Spartan towering, destroying the cities.

In the morning, I listened to
beautiful wind roaming in our world.

Today I am the Rocky Mountains.
Yesterday I was the beautiful clouds.
Tomorrow… I am nothing.

Ms. Manuel's Class

Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Last Night
by Alonis S. M.

Today I am a mouse.
Tomorrow, I will be a lion,
roaring at everything around me.

Last night I had a dream
everything was bigger than me.

In the morning I could only
hear the chirping of birds
and the sounds of trees blowing in
the wind.

Today, I am a tree the size of a mountain.
Tomorrow, I will be a hill as small as a sun flower.

The Feelings of my Heart
by Jessika M.

Today, I am a flower.
I feel free from the
top of my head to
the bottom of my feet.

Tomorrow I will be
a giant wave
hovering over the sand.

Yesterday, I was
a shooting star
granting people’s

I had a dream. It
had dancing pigs
and singing trees.
I woke up with my
mom’s alarm clock.

I listen to soft
country music that
clears my mind.

Today I’m a giant. I
feel really mad.
Because I was bad
I got punished!

Tomorrow I am
a seed, scrunched up
with fright.

Simply Amazing
by Liam R.

Today, I am a star shooting
across the planets.

Tomorrow, I’ll be a fish swimming
in the ocean.
Yesterday, I was a red beet.

I dreamt of planes, gray
horses, and bunnies.

Last night I listened to
chirping birds that put me to

Today I am a boat sailing across
the sea.
Tomorrow I’ll be a bird flying
in the sky.

My Feelings
by Madeline S.

Today I am the sun, bright and shining.
Tomorrow, a bubble,
always over a hill, bright and glistening, happy as can be.
Last night, I dreamt there was a tornado, a dog saved
me. First a cat, then a dog.
In the morning, I heard the wind, woosh, wash, woosh.
I listened to my birds and the alarm of my clock.
Today, I am a bug in my shell hiding.
Tomorrow, a book feeling great.
Yesterday, a shining star in the dark night.