About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Dreaming without Buying

This week, in my last visit with the Bell students before the new year, we read In Praise of Dreams by Wislawa Szymborska, a famous Polish poet. In the poem, she writes about all of the things that she can do and see in her dreams that she can't in her waking life. The poem is written in couplets , so we also learned what that word means, and how to create them in their own poems. The students wrote their own Dreams poems, with the rule included that they could not BUY anything in their written dreams. Enjoy the results!

Mrs. Chadhuri’s Class
In My Dreams

by Sean P.

In my dreams
I am a wizard with powers.

I am a ruler
of the world.

I am the son
of Superman.

I can
control time.

I can make Pokemon
come to life.

I am

My Crazy Dreams
by Katie S.

In my dreams,
chickens try to take over the world.

For Christmas,
I get the perfect puppy.

My brother is whining
in a field of backpacks.

I am exploring
a giant dark cave.

I can fly
over millions of buildings.

I am annually in a tree house,
greeting long lost friends.

Animals understand me
and I can understand them.

One second, I am about to die,
the next second, I’m alive and awake.

Seeing with My Eyes Closed
by Bella N.

In my dreams,
I am chased by living coats.

I swim in sweet water,
thin, transparent honey.

I fall through the air, several heart-thumping miles,
then suddenly, my body jerks awake.

I sit watching the African savannah
moved over by my lion’s mane.

I see gray clouds gather, then swiftly sweep away
all by the thoughts in my head.

I am on silver wings, chasing a shooting star,
and finding a box of wishes come true.

by Alex C.

In my dreams,
I can live with a cobra bite.

I can run as fast as a car,
to Florida.

I control a zoo
with unusual animals.

I have a city
that does what I command.

I have a secret fort
containing sweets.

I have sensitive plants
that close at a touch.

I have a time machine
that takes me anywhere.

And the day after tomorrow,
a tsunami that is not destructive.

Ms. Furgason’s Class

by Isabelle H.

I am Candice Dupree
ruling the court.
I can disappear
like a magician.
I can breathe under water
and be the fastest swimmer.
I develop five arms
like Stitch.
I am a bird,
soaring through the air.
I am a runner,
running faster than light.

by Ryan W.

I am in the WWE
wrestling against the Undertaker.
I am a fish
in the water.
I am the King
of the earth.

I Dreamt…
by Lillian L.

I can skate on an outside pond
all year round like a pro.

I can paint on silk just like my
Grandma used to.

I can beat my mom
at tennis any time.

I can dance on the
roofs of houses.

I can stop war by
pressing a button.

I can fly in the sky like a bird.

I am a great scientist
knowing everything, even the past and future.

I can disappear and appear miles away
with a snap of my fingers.

I can feel like a flower
and actually be one.

Mrs. Fukawa’s Class

by Laura G.

In my dreams,
I talk to dolphins in their language.

I fly in the air
only as fast as the speed of light.

I speak a different language
than I have ever heard before.

I am gifted with powers
to help and to give.

I can jump
higher and higher into space.

I am on a cloud
surfing in the air.

I Dream Wild Things
by Lucas O.

I dream I will be
a football legend.

Yesterday, I flew
around the world.

Yesterday, I saw a
giant me destroying China.

Today I saw my future,
and yesterday, I read my mom’s mind!

My Marvelous Dreams
by Michael G.

I can fall off the
Empire State building and still live with no bruises.

I go underwater
and find Spongebob and Patrick.

I see my mom
floating in thin air.

In one century, I am
still living at the age of 109!

In my dream,
I become a 2 ton elephant.

I become
the smartest kid on earth.

Ms. Manuel’s Class
Holiday Dreams

by Liam R.

In my dreams
I am a platinum snowman.

I soar in the sky
with my magic turkey.

I’m playing with
my own heart.

I’ve lit the candles
all around the world.

I’m a leprechaun
on the 4th of July.

I’ve won
the Nobel Peace Prize.

In My Dreams
by Ashley N.

In my dreams
snow is the soft, fluffy feathers.

There is no

We the world are not walking,
we are flying.

I am sending in a plan
with my dad to the rescue.

I am the burning
rays of the sun.

I am the glue
in friendships!

I am the freedom
in the country.

In my dreams, nobody wants
to harm each other.

The water we drink
is ice cream.

In my dreams, my feelings
are keeping time to my heart.

My Dream of a Dream
by Loki A.

In my dream,
I can breathe in space.

I’m in the underworld,
walking on lava.

I speak a language
that only Spirits can recall.

I’m a doughnut,
skipping a field.

I see people,
but they come from their graves.

I jump so high,
I’m airborne!

I have a dream,
and it’s the dream of that dream.

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