About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Harry Handini

This week, the student poets were invited to contemplate some thoughts by Rainer Marie Rilke: "Hands have a history of their own, they have, indeed, their own civilization, their own special beauty...[they have] their own wishes, feelings, moods, and favorite occupations." After a long discussion about our hands, and what their own histories, moods, loves, and hatreds are, the students were invited to write free verse poems on the topic of their hands. Enjoy the results below!

Ms. Manuel’s Class

My Hands Alone

by Madeline S.

When I write my right hand
does the work.
My left hand just sleeps
when I write.
My hands help me paint
on a canvas.
Sometimes I use my hands
to walk on.
My hands are small.
I use my hands to eat
and do art.
I use my hands to type
messages to my friends.
My hands are there when
I burn them on a hot pan.
My hands wish they
were free.
My hands are helpful
to me.

Harry Handini
by Alanis S.M.

My hands are magicians.
They can take a bunny
out of a hat.
They can escape
from anything. They
can escape from hand-
cuffs. My hands
have a magic life
of their own. My hands
love their talent. They
love themselves. And I
love them too.

My Hands
by Brandon N.

My hands hate the cold. My hands like doing nothing. But usually my hands like opening presents and picking up things like ice cream or something sweet. My hands have a future of working but know they are still 9 years old. In the past, my hand was a lefty, but every time I write with my left hand my grandma will SLAP it.

Ms. Darnell’s Class


by Lucas M.

Hands, you are
ripped up and
dry and dirty.
Your nails are
long because I
am trying to be
in the Ripley’s Believe
It or Not.
Hand, you are
so dry and red
with viens
coming out of you.
You are the one
who uses my
game cube
controller and
pencil that writes
so sloppy.

by Brennan Q.

My hands love to play.
They’re always moving and playing
either wrestling or writing.
They always have energy.
They’re big and strong
and like crushing my brother’s hands
or lifting a 5 pound weight.
They can do almost anything –
pitching a baseball, climbing a tree.
My hands are unstoppable.

What do My Hands Hate and Love?
by Bernie J.

My hands love playing
video games. My hands love
typing on the computer. My hands
hate hitting people. My hands
hate doing inappropriate things.
My hands love throwing and
catching footballs. My hands
love sign language.

by Forenica O.

I can draw with my hands.
I have the Nintendo DS and the Wii for playing with my hands.
I hold a box open for the dog with my hands.
Making cookies and cakes with my hands.
I put my hands in the box for paper.
My hands are for holding pencils and doing homework.
My hands hold balloons on my birthday.

Hands with a Home
by Alina M.

With my cousins I can stand with my legs and jump to my hands.
I can draw with my hands.
I play the Nintendo DS with my hands.
I do my homework with my hands.
I cook with my hands.
I hold my book with my hands.

Ms. Furgason’s Class

My Hands

by Robert G.

My hands do over 1,000 things every
day. They take hits for me and it
hurts them. They are good at lots of things
like tennis and guitar and writing.

My Hand Wish
by Susan S.

My hands wish they can touch fire. My hands wish they can get scrapped without feeling it. My hands wish they can touch anything without feeling any pain. This is what they want to do. They will be magic if this was a wish that came true. This is what they have wanted since they started working. Maybe I can do what I want with them after all.

by Benjamin N.

My hands have
lots of lines
and small
they make
a 1,000 rivers.
Their favorite thing to
do is go up a tree or
make a cake.
With my two
hands I hit
the snow.

The Hand Letter
by Genna G.

What do you want
you pale white hand?
Do you want comfort,
warmth, or freezing cold?
Do you want black
or pink nail polish?
Anything you want your
Majesty, anything for you
Since you do all the work,
I’ll give you everything
in the world. Thank you
for writing this today.

Mrs. Chadhuri’s Class

Hands are Handy

by Ryan R.

They love to feel cotton, pillows
rubber, and forks.

They wish for aloe, clay, and bean bags.

They hate needles, fire, ice, and ink.

They are hard workers for humans, important
“life forms”, but are sometimes mischievous.

Letter from Margaret L. to John R.
by Alexandra S.

Dear John Right,
You have great penmanship, and you are the dominant hand. It is so brave of you to always take the risk to do something before me. All feet are nothing compared to you. You are so flexible and are a great writer. Your stories are always so beautiful! Hope truly I can be like you someday.

Sincerely –
Margaret Left

PS. – I’m your biggest fan!

by Connor S.

O, hands, what do you
want? What do you need?
What is your wish? Do you
need lotion? Do you need
a piece of ice? Tell me, what
do you want? Hands: A birthday.
What do you want? Hands: to have
fun. Right away, dear hands.

Stories in Hands
by Dante A.

If you gaze into my hands
you can see many stories.

The tattered epidermis
tells of cleaning off glass.
The ink blots
tell of calligraphy.
The faint red markings
tell of pens and markers making marks.

My hands tell stories.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Emotion Party

This week, we worked on Personification. We read two poems that personified different emotions, Fear and Shame. After a group poem to get them started, the student poets were asked to choose their own emotion to personify. The results are astounding. Enjoy!

Ms. Manuel’s Class


by Beverly D.

Doubt is a poor man,
he is an old man living on the street.
He gets his money from selling water bottles.
He has no money.
He thinks of the worst things.
He can’t celebrate any holiday.
Hi has raggy and ripped clothes.
He is short because he doesn’t eat.
He is scared and misgiving,
he is never happy.
He has a pinched face all the time.
He has no family.
H is the guy on S. Western Ave. selling water bottles.

by Paul H.

Cool is a man that walks down the street. Everyday, he wears sunglasses, even on the coldest winter days. All his clothes are leather. Everywhere he goes, he brings his coolness with him. He always tries to act cool. On Christmas, he is too sporty for his gifts. He’s nothing but cool. He thinks, and is, the coolest person on earth. There is no way anyone is cooler than Cool. Whenever you act cool, Cool is there.

by Jessika H.

Humor is a young girl
who makes you want to laugh.
She is the laugh box in your
throat. She makes the
happiness in your heart.
She is the one that
reminds you to be funny.
Humor is the one that
makes up your mind
on weather to laugh
or not. She is the one
that comes out of your
mouth when you are
tickled. When you
are feeling happy, she
is there to burst
out of you loud
or quiet.

by Nathan W.

A person who is going to war. A storm
that just broke your house in. Your flowers
rotting away. You’re so sad, the sky turns
grey. You look like a rain cloud, you
are dark and blue. Tears rain from your
eyes. You end with a sundown.

Ms. Darnell’s Class


by Michael A.

She lives in my house on Oakley. She says no to everything. She punishes for nothing. She lives on the second floor. And nobody comes over because she’s mean. And she is my mother. She sounds like a witch, but looks nice. She’s an undercover witch so watch out!

A Girl Named Joy
by Brittany C.

There once was a girl named Joy and only you can see her. She stands by you until you hear something happy come along. Joy jumps in your body and makes you scream and skip. She has long brown hair and she is related to Happy and Bliss. She follows you around and makes you scream. After she jumps out of your body, she skips away in the distance singing with her peaceful voice and her brown hair bobbing up and down. You can see her pink clothes in the distance.

Mister Mad
by Michael G.

Mr. Mad is very happy when people are mad. He is very, very old. He is invisible. He drives a Lambourghini. He loves the Beatles. He can see from miles away. He is always next to mad people. But his wife, Mrs. Blissful, always ruins his job. That’s why a lot of people are always happy. But the thing he hats is that he talks happy just like Mrs. Blissful.

by Lucas M.

Mean takes little children’s suckers. His favorite movie is Scary Movie 4. Mean eats little children. Mean drives a car that is on fire. He is related to Joy and he spray painted the school he went to. His friends were Bad and Crazy.

by Leo P.

courage is a man who hates Fear.
He is very strong. He is bald with
a goatee. He is very tall, but he lives
in an alley. He works as a daredevil.
He drives a horse and buggie.
He is very wealthy. He ignores bad comments.
He is not the best of friends.
He wears a ripped shirt and
tattered pants. He also has 1 sister
named Bliss. He has great balance
and loves to get dirty.
He builds houses for the
poor. He doesn’t walk, he
always runs. He always tells
his secrets.

Ms. Furgason’s Class


by Benjamin N.

Sad is a man who is
so fat he is as big
as a house. He is 30 years old
and as toy for a car. His food
he eats most is kids,
lots of kids. He does not have
a job. He cannot swim, he just
floats to the top. He is
destructive. He robbed all the banks
in the U.S.

Watch Out for Karma!
by Jack S.

Karma is a young man. He is a police officer by day and a super hero by night. He wears his cop uniform all the time. They call him Super Cop. He has an afro and buck teeth. If you laugh at him, he will punish you even more. He was born in Vegas. He only uses his powers on criminals. He loves action. He is buff. He can swim, fight, golf, play basketball, play football, and he likes Coke more than Pepsi.

by Maggie F.

Proud is a God. He does
only good. And smiles a star.
He roams the earth to seek peace.
He is brother of Strength,
son of Glory,
superior to Horrified,
and savior of Lost.
He is strong. He is brave.
He is tall and happy.
He is light as a feather,
but a solid, handsome man.
He has the eyes of a tiger,
very green and bright.
He has the courage of
an eagle and hates to
fight. He is fast and as tan
as can be. He eats only
fresh food, but never meat.
He is so lovely.

Ms. Chadhuri’s Class

by Fhebielyn B.

Comedy is a woman who has rainbow hair. She makes everything seem funny. She loves books, and everybody is her friend. She drinks sugary drinks, and lives with 462,000 of her relatives. She loves going to places, to bring the best out of people. She is like a running gazelle, always up when she falls. She loves jokes, and loves to burp in front of everyone.

by Hannah H.

Hope is a happy
always smiling
She wears
a loose
sky-blue dress.

her eyes
are like
clear blue stars
so brightly
that you’ll
wish they
had to

She braids
her long, brown hair
like a crown
around her head.

She is beautiful


by Alan O.

Adventurous is a short man who loves to dance in the water. When you gaze into his eyes, discouragement will be lost. You can barely see his body. He wears a dark clock, and a black top hat. His cousins, Fear and Wisdom are never close by (Fear is too scared, and Wisdom is usually thinking of something smart). He has no official home, but he always feels safe.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Last week, we read Pablo Neruda's Ode to a Watermelon and Nygaard's Ode to Scissors. Both poems were discussed and enjoyed immensely, especially thinking about eating a watermelon. The young poets then tackled the ode form themselves, writing an ode to anything BUT a person!

Ms. Manuel’s Class

Ode to Wolf from Good to Fierce

by Jessika M.

Wolf, oh wolf
how you show
your sharp fierce teeth,
your head up high as proud as can be.
The soft padding of your feet
makes me quiver.
Do show my niceness
to be my friend, you see,
make my heart pound with loveliness
as it gets all excited.
Please protect me from the
fears that frighten me.

Ode to Sky
by Fabio C.

How can you change
your amazing colors
to blue, to gray, to what
ever color you want?
You look more amazing
than the beautiful ocean.
You can be sweet or sour.
You can be whatever
you want.
To me, you look too pretty
to be so far away.

Hum, Hum, Hummer!
by Austin S.

O beautiful hummer, how you dive
through the earth like a drill, you
tramp over the streets
like a rhino.
You have the speed of
a cheetah. You have
the body of a pro-wrestler.
You dwell like a star in the sky.
I love the way you move your
wheels. You are a soldier
in a suit of metal armor.
O, O, O, what would I do without you?

Ms. Darnell’s Class

Ode to Puerto Rico

by Destiny F.

O beautiful Puerto Rican flag
I love your hues
and your big beautiful star.
You have the red that is in my blood.
You are a beautiful car.
Wave, wave, wave.
I love your wave to the PR people.
The wind makes you sway beautifully.
The happiness, the joy you bring.
Friend of red
friend of blue
lover of white
I am the lover of you.

by Dante B.

Oh TV,
you are
my favorite
Oh TV,
how did you
lock George Lopez
in your screen?
Oh TV,
will you ever
get revenge
on my parents
for taking away

Ode to Snow
by Julia R.

I love how you glisten in the porch light,
how beautiful the world is covered with you.
Too precious to stomp around in,
you are many wintry games,
you help us inherit hot cocoa.
When the winter sun comes,
you shine like many crystals.
When the temperatures reach under 0,
you stick to our roof like stalactites.
When it snows, even a tiny bit
I know it is time to go outside.

Ms. Furgason’s Class

Ode to Blizzards

by Madison E.

Oh blizzards, I love how
you cover the
walkways and streets
so we don’t have to go to school.
Oh blizzards, I
love how we go
sledding in your weather.
Oh blizzard, I love
how we stay inside
all day and drink
hot chocolate after
a long day with you.
Oh blizzard, I love you.

Ode to a Dragon
by Jackson M.

Ode to you dragon.
I love your sharp

I love how you
fly like an eagle
in the sky.

You wonderful
creature, oh my
oh my.

Your appetite so
vicious, like a
tiger attacking.

I could go on and
on and on with
beautiful compliments.

You are beautiful
in every way.

I love you, oh
dragon, oh my
oh my.

Ode to the Shih-Tzu
by LeeAnn L.

O beautiful Shih-Tzu
I love your silky hair.
You brighten the dark night sky.
How you run and walk amazes me.
I love the way you bark.
A dog,
so phlegmatic and kind.

You’re the only dog
that loves lots of jewelry.
I think of you as a star
of fur and hair.
You amaze me with your
beautiful way of loving me.

Ms. Chadhuri’s Class

Ode to Wii

by Sean P.

O Wii, with your
whiteness so bright
like clouds on a
sunny day.
Your stick so
long and broad
like a medieval club.
Your screen so
dazzling I cannot
look away.
How I love
to play you
as you love
to be played.

Ode to a Hot Dog
by Alexander N.

teeth sink into
your thin, long
an explosion of
conquers our mouths.

covering yourself
with ketchup,
pickles chopped up.
You put on an elegant
suit of tomatoes.
You cover yourself in a coat
of batter.

Ode to my Parrot Bella
by Samara F.

your red and gray
so soft
so bright
they cover you
shining in
the sunlight
like a picture
taking a
in your
water bowl

Ode to Fire
by Michael M.

Oh fire,
the beautiful
showing in
the darkness.
You show
the way
to life
and health.
Your rays
slay the
in the
unseen force.
Oh, Amazing you.

Friday, January 11, 2008

True Confessions!

Happy New Year!

To start off the 2008 and get us back into poetry, this week we looked at This is Just to Say by William Carlos Williams. This poem uses short lines and specific language to beautiful effect to create a bouncy rhythm when the poem is read out loud. We talked about what poems are built of (lines and stanzas), and what a short line will do to the rhythm of a poem. Modeled after Mr. Williams's poem, the students were asked to write their own true confession, and include an apology. I asked them to decide if they really meant their apologies, or if sometimes, do something bad actually feels pretty good. Enjoy their great poems!

Ms. Chadhuri’s Class

The Snicking Fingers
by Benjamin C.

I have snicked
many things
from my
neighbor’s house

there were
many things
tiny toy
lego figurines
and more

my parents
found out
they had to
check my pockets

I’m sorry
and guilty
but the
things looked
cool and my
fingers can’t help it.

Forgive me
I was only
3 1/2

A Dollar and 25 Cents

by Alan O.

I stole
a dollar
and 25 cents
from my

I’m sorry
but you
didn’t notice

The money
was already
so HA!

Book Worm Alert
by Jessica N.

I have read
in the dim light
of the Christmas tree
in my room

The book
mysterious and

I know
that I shouldn’t
have done that
for tomorrow
I will be as
as a drunk man

Ms. Furgason’s Class

I Lied…

by Diego R.

I have lied
that I did my
book report.

I said
I would
get a good

I’m sorry
I wanted to
play Runescape.

The Crayons
by Margaret F.

I have taken
the crayons
oh so long

You had
so many more
for the other
boys and girls

am not ashamed
for I broke
the darn crayons
with my little
of steel

Ms. Manuel’s Class

Prank Call

by Jacob J.

I have called
an old lady
on a
prank call

and she said
“I can hear
you breathing
in there”

Forgive me but
it was so
much fun

Who did This??
by Kyle G.

It was me
who watched TV
until 4:00 am
during the week.

It was not Liana.
You probably
blamed her.

It was fun because
you didn’t tell me
to stop.

Forgive Me Please
by Peter B.

I shouldn’t have
unpaused the football
game which they
were waiting to play
while my friend
was in the bathroom.
Forgive me
it was so fun.