About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Last week, we read Pablo Neruda's Ode to a Watermelon and Nygaard's Ode to Scissors. Both poems were discussed and enjoyed immensely, especially thinking about eating a watermelon. The young poets then tackled the ode form themselves, writing an ode to anything BUT a person!

Ms. Manuel’s Class

Ode to Wolf from Good to Fierce

by Jessika M.

Wolf, oh wolf
how you show
your sharp fierce teeth,
your head up high as proud as can be.
The soft padding of your feet
makes me quiver.
Do show my niceness
to be my friend, you see,
make my heart pound with loveliness
as it gets all excited.
Please protect me from the
fears that frighten me.

Ode to Sky
by Fabio C.

How can you change
your amazing colors
to blue, to gray, to what
ever color you want?
You look more amazing
than the beautiful ocean.
You can be sweet or sour.
You can be whatever
you want.
To me, you look too pretty
to be so far away.

Hum, Hum, Hummer!
by Austin S.

O beautiful hummer, how you dive
through the earth like a drill, you
tramp over the streets
like a rhino.
You have the speed of
a cheetah. You have
the body of a pro-wrestler.
You dwell like a star in the sky.
I love the way you move your
wheels. You are a soldier
in a suit of metal armor.
O, O, O, what would I do without you?

Ms. Darnell’s Class

Ode to Puerto Rico

by Destiny F.

O beautiful Puerto Rican flag
I love your hues
and your big beautiful star.
You have the red that is in my blood.
You are a beautiful car.
Wave, wave, wave.
I love your wave to the PR people.
The wind makes you sway beautifully.
The happiness, the joy you bring.
Friend of red
friend of blue
lover of white
I am the lover of you.

by Dante B.

Oh TV,
you are
my favorite
Oh TV,
how did you
lock George Lopez
in your screen?
Oh TV,
will you ever
get revenge
on my parents
for taking away

Ode to Snow
by Julia R.

I love how you glisten in the porch light,
how beautiful the world is covered with you.
Too precious to stomp around in,
you are many wintry games,
you help us inherit hot cocoa.
When the winter sun comes,
you shine like many crystals.
When the temperatures reach under 0,
you stick to our roof like stalactites.
When it snows, even a tiny bit
I know it is time to go outside.

Ms. Furgason’s Class

Ode to Blizzards

by Madison E.

Oh blizzards, I love how
you cover the
walkways and streets
so we don’t have to go to school.
Oh blizzards, I
love how we go
sledding in your weather.
Oh blizzard, I love
how we stay inside
all day and drink
hot chocolate after
a long day with you.
Oh blizzard, I love you.

Ode to a Dragon
by Jackson M.

Ode to you dragon.
I love your sharp

I love how you
fly like an eagle
in the sky.

You wonderful
creature, oh my
oh my.

Your appetite so
vicious, like a
tiger attacking.

I could go on and
on and on with
beautiful compliments.

You are beautiful
in every way.

I love you, oh
dragon, oh my
oh my.

Ode to the Shih-Tzu
by LeeAnn L.

O beautiful Shih-Tzu
I love your silky hair.
You brighten the dark night sky.
How you run and walk amazes me.
I love the way you bark.
A dog,
so phlegmatic and kind.

You’re the only dog
that loves lots of jewelry.
I think of you as a star
of fur and hair.
You amaze me with your
beautiful way of loving me.

Ms. Chadhuri’s Class

Ode to Wii

by Sean P.

O Wii, with your
whiteness so bright
like clouds on a
sunny day.
Your stick so
long and broad
like a medieval club.
Your screen so
dazzling I cannot
look away.
How I love
to play you
as you love
to be played.

Ode to a Hot Dog
by Alexander N.

teeth sink into
your thin, long
an explosion of
conquers our mouths.

covering yourself
with ketchup,
pickles chopped up.
You put on an elegant
suit of tomatoes.
You cover yourself in a coat
of batter.

Ode to my Parrot Bella
by Samara F.

your red and gray
so soft
so bright
they cover you
shining in
the sunlight
like a picture
taking a
in your
water bowl

Ode to Fire
by Michael M.

Oh fire,
the beautiful
showing in
the darkness.
You show
the way
to life
and health.
Your rays
slay the
in the
unseen force.
Oh, Amazing you.

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