About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Take me to Dreamland

This week, the students at Bell looked at In Your Wild Dream by Richard Hugo. We talked about dreams in general, their strangeness and how confusing they can be, and how that was reflected in the structure of the poem. We also talked about what using second person is supposed to accomplish. The student poets wrote their own Dream Poems, and they are strange and wonderful. Enjoy!

Ms. Furgason’s Class


by Lillian L.

You are sleeping
peacefully in your bed.
You suddenly wake up.
There is a weird
looking robot next
to your bed.
You scream
and leap out
of bed.
You rush towards
your mom or dad’s
bed. They have
You run around
your house like
crazy. You are in
your bathroom.
You climb through
a window leading
towards the roof.
You are on the
precipitous roof.
You spread out
your arms and
fly, fleeing
the robots.
Next you are in
bed once again
dreaming of
blooming roses.

Dream On…
by Max D.

You wake up to the radio, it says it will be snowy. You burst out the door all bundled up on your sled but there’s no snow, just sky. You can see civilization below you miles down and you cling to your sled, but it’s not a sled, it’s a scooter. You yell at the author, “how’s a scooter going to help?!” so the author turns it into a helicopter. Suddenly, you’re jumping out of a building to another one. You’re in the Bourne Ultimatum on film. Then you’re back in the snow sledding, but you’re not. Your house isn’t there, it’s the Arctic. You yell, but no one hears. All of a sudden, you’re back in bed. “What a dream” you say.

Wacky Dream!
by Deidre C.

You are a pig, walking on hind legs
about to cross a bridge in a vast
jungle. All of a sudden, you hear squealing
and squishing. A giant ho is stepping on
every pig he meets. You are now in your
house with your sisters you never met,
hiding from the disastrous hog. You trick
the hog into falling down the stairs so you
can run away. You now are standing
on a purple ground. It is snowing, hailing,
and raining at the same time. Cats
and kittens are running mad around you.
You run with them. You stay on that
planet for the rest of time that you
remember. You turn into a cat in the end.

Ms. Chadhuri’s Class

The Dangerous Dream
by Emilio A.

You are on a ship in a storm. The Captain
says that you must exterminate all giant
insects. Then you are gone. You appear in a
brick hallway with your best friend standing
next to you. You know it’s a trap, but your friend
doesn’t. Your friends starts to cross the bricks and
you tell after them to stop but it’s too late, your
friend steps on a brick and a spider as big as
you and a centipede as big as your head come
out. The spider eats your friend. You are in an
enormous freezer and the centipede is still there.
It tackles you and blood flies everywhere. You see
it’s blue veins and it rears up ready for the kill…

In Downtown Chicago You Dream
by Casimir A.

You are in a building in
downtown Chicago. You are
a Mudkip. Next to you is a Torchic.
Suddenly, Darth Vader appears and
slashes at you with his saber.
You and the Torchic run. In a
room you find a saber.
You bravely ignite it.
You throw it at Vader.
It hits him hard.
He falls to the ground.
Suddenly, you are awake,
free of being a Mudkip,
free of Vader.

Trapped in Royal
by Solana B.

You are trapped in an ancient pyramid. But the air is fresh and clean. The pyramid disappears into an oasis in the jungle, where birds chirp with joy. A tornado sets in. You are blown to Neverland where Peter Pan is old. You are captured by mermaids. The setting changes. You are face to face with a square cow. It pulls you on its back and locks you in the temple of Zeus. The temple disappears into a stream of clouds. You ride it into a pyramid, and the door shuts.

Ms. Darnell’s Class

by Brennan Q.

You are in outer space, on a huge spaceship.
You are in command of the ship.
The ship explodes, BOOM
you’re falling and falling
but nobody dies.
Then you land on earth
but nobody gets hurt.
You land in the ocean
then you swim to an island.
Nobody lives there except the animals and you.
Then it turns into your house.
“My house?” you say
but nothing is by it
except trees.
Then, your mom comes out.

My Nightmare
by Bernie J.

You were running to
school then a BIG humungous
donut was chasing you. It was a
chocolate sprinkled donut. Then
it was shooting colored sprinkles
at you. You were doing the
matrix to dodge them. You realize
you love donuts. Instead of the
donut chasing you, you start chasing
the donut. Then you gobble it
up, and you go back to school.

In Your Dream
by Leo P.

You are in your own house
feeling something’s bound to go wrong.
You hear that dark creaking noise.
You quickly run upstairs. You pull the covers off your bed
over head. The only thing you can see is
the dark design of the inside of the quilt.
The quilt gets pulled off you. You look for who took it.
They’re gone, the quilt’s gone. You try to scream,
no voice is heard. You run back downstairs
and jump in anger, your head hits the ceiling.
You can’t do that in real life, so realize it’s a dream.
You look at your shoes…you have an idea.
You run through the front door and break it down.
You fly around your block, looking for help.
You find an apartment, break through
a window, and witness all holidays happening at once:
Hannukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa…it goes blank.
You’re back in bed, and happy it was a dream.

The Field
by Chris V.

One day, you were
playing in a field.
You saw a scarecrow.
It was moving its feet.
You ran away and it
chased you. You ran and
he almost got you.
When he caught you, you turned
into the Simpson’s movie.
Homer was chasing you, then
Tom and Jerry were chasing you.
Then, in your bed, you turn
and see someone in your closet!

Ms. Manuel’s Class

by Peter B.

You are golfing, but giant wiener dogs start
chasing you. They take your club and start
hitting the golf ball at you.
You turn into a salami sandwich
and scare some kids away.
They won’t stop chasing you.
You step on a switch
ray and you start chasing
them as giant wiener dogs.
You trip them and they fall into
the pit of death. You jump
up and down because you
are free.

Your Dream in an Adventure

by Magdelene T.

You go on an adventure in a castle.
You run down the stairs again
and again from an ogre.
Then you escape into the
desert sky. You feel the wind
blowing you to your garden
where every flower
is blooming side by side.
Then a werewolf grabs you
by your leg and drags
you into his hole and
you’re afraid but all he
wanted was to share his
cookies with you. Then,
you and the werewolf
jump on a trampoline.
Later, a tiger asks, “May
I join you?” and you
all play together.

Traveling Dream
by Sonja G.

You are on a Ferris wheel in an amusement park. The Ferris wheel stops and you are at the very top. A bird grabs you and takes you away. As you fly through the clouds, the bird disappears. You are still flying. You fly into a tree and fall down. You are in a jungle. Animals are surrounding you. You try to run away when a lion growls at you. Then, flying around you is a swarm of bumblebees. You scream as loud as you can for help. Then a bee stings you and you faint. When you get up, you are in a butterfly garden. There are butterflies making beautiful patterns for you.

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