About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Creatures from the Deep

This week, the students studied photos from Claire Nouvain's book The Deep, and wrote poems describing the amazing creatures they saw. I also had some photos of more conventional sea creatures, like seahorses, sea urchins, whales, octopi, and sharks. Click on the link above, and then "Image Gallery" to see images, then read below and be amazed!

Ms. Manuel
The Flying Saucer
by Beverly D.

The flying saucer, flying in the deep,
hair sticking out of his private orange,
in his orange the aliens live,
the apple cut in pieces,
its little private island,
legs sticking out of core,
the earth turning round and
spitted pieces to share for everyone,
the pitch dark paper behind it.

Evil in the Sea
by Rebecca B.

An evil fish in the sea
Horn of a unicorn
Sharp teeth to chew meat

Big and plumpy
Black eyes and black soul
Hair of a human

A massive mouth to trap meat inside
Whiskers of a cat
The devil of the sea swimming to find its prey

The Green Bumpy Ball
by Magdelene T.

The green ball
the holes of our
skin, the bumpy
part of a hole a
green moon that
belongs to the aliens.
The Christmas tree
decoration, the hole
that sucks up the
air, a rotten fruit, the
burning green lava making
bubbles, a roundish sponge,
a relative of Sponge Bob
in the deep blue sea.

My Beautiful Blue
by Jessika H.

A blue and red feather rising into the sky.
A firecracker popping out of its place.
The black deep sky surrounding it.
My beta fish swimming around in its bowl.

The Little Creature
by Kyle G.

A little firecracker cracking with joy.
A boobie trap trapping a little fish.
An odd light to guide a scientist.

Mrs. Fukawa
The Crazy Creature
by Chris V.

It’s colorful, small but it
has a huge heart inside.
It sounds as soft as a cloud.
It has 1 fin swimming so soft, not loud.
It is a friendly fish. It says goodbye.

Sea Horse
by Farenica O.

The sea horse is coral.
The color is orange.
The jelly fish is part of its body.
The color is orange and brown.
The fish are white and orange.

by Dante B.

An orange fish with white stripes. 5 fins.
Small mouth. Two fins on the bottom.
Two fins on the top. One fin on the
back. All fins are orange. More of
them are coming. Maybe a
school of them. So much
seaweed in the background.
They are clown fishes. They
are everywhere.
It is paradise.

Jewelry Creature
by Bernie J.

A big red bubble with four arms.
The arms have jewelry on them.
It sounds like a horn.
It stings like a jellyfish, but more powerful.
Its mouth is wide open.

Ms. Chadhuri
Bird of the Deep
by Alexandra S.

A blue butterfly, suspended on a flaming
white string. The ghostlike animal is surrounded
by the infinite darkness. A red glow is
coming from the inside of the almost
translucent body. On the tips of the
wings and the body is a strange pulsating
green glow. It’s not a fish or a plant
or a jellyfish. It’s the bird of the
deep, the butterfly of the Trench.

The Sponge
by Bella N.

A clump of balls,
Electrifying cobalt blue,
Floating through the infinite depths of the sea.

I am watching a jack tumble on the hardwood floor.
Now, I’m watching a creature skate across the ocean floor.
And above the water, I see a boy looking for his balloons.

by Camila G.

An awkward octopus,
twisted, curled
its orange hand veering away from light.

It moves like an orange bird,
its 8 legs everywhere,
suction cups so hard,
that can suck water.

It’s a famous person,
putting a hand over his
avoiding flashes.
A protective mother
never letting go of her young.

The Giant
by Jess N.

The whale
a bumpy nozzle
rayed fins
tail carrying a blue flame.

An overgrown, graceful dolphin
voyaging into the deep.
A blue horizon in the distance.
A neon green fin, nozzle and back
as if wearing a tie-die t-shirt.

A small tiger shark looks as if its
growing up from the whale’s back.
A nose dive with a slight
curve, its final moments before
venturing into the deep.

Ms. Furgason
Blue Things
by Madison E.

16 lollipops stuck together.
16 balls that were connected on sticks.
16 gumballs connected by a piece
of gum that has already been chewed.
Blue marbles that got connected when
they came out of the package.
16 disco balls that are ready to
leave each other but they can’t.
Glue that bubbled up when the
kids left it in the sun too long.
Tears dropping out of a child’s eyes when
their dog has died.

Sea Creatures
by Brian S.

a U.F.O. from the deep
parts of space.
a tomato in a glass case.
An alien from the other
side of the moon.
A bubble that is about
to burst.
A strange octopus from
the unstudied part of mars.
a red watermelon
that is not ripe.

A Sea Creature
by Max D.

Luminescent ping-pong balls sprout from this creature.
They grow on stems of a white center.

It looks as if it came from above, but really, it came from below.
It is a bulb, sprouting flowers in all directions.

Otherworldly looking? Yes.
Otherworldly coming? No.

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