About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Magic Spells

On Halloween, the Bell Student Poets read The Song of the Witches, the William Shakespeare poem that opens the play Macbeth. They then created their OWN magic spells, including their own magic words. The spells ranged from peaceful to absolutely devilish. Read on to enjoy their spell-binding work!

*** photos below are not by the student pictured.

Mrs. Fukawa

Goodbye School
by Katherine D.

Sensa, Sensou saloun and sealoun;
Fire burn and desk of bubble.
1 hair from a teacher,
and all the homework is at stake.
Books all ripped in half,
classrooms sucked into the underworld,
lunches at home cause the lunch room is at stake,
sorry school, YOU are at stake!

Sensa, Sensou saloun and sealoun;
Fire burn and desk of bubble.
To cool it down, a piece of paper,
then the eraser is down. Goodbye school!

World Peace
by Amelia G.

Black swan fly and vase cook.
Peace and joy to every one.
Fairy tears and cardinal’s coat,
blackbird’s dress and rose
petal’s sapphire heart and
emerald core, hedge hog’s
spikes, hermit crab shell.
Black swan fly and vase
cook. Pigeon’s heart
to make it work.

The Weird Magic Spells
by Stephanie A.

Lobster head, Lobster head,
nose hair head, one dip of hair,
spider’s head, sharks blood,
orange paint, ribs cage,
soda can, tribute led,
coffin dust led to bowl,
tip of blood, dusty hands,
turtle shell, hair wig,
cub’s nail, killing tree,
dead scary ears.

Lobster head, Lobster head
nose hair head one dip of hair.
Hot in a coffee pot.
Then scary mean things will come!

Ms. Manuel
My Doom Potion
by Loki A.

Dark fire rise.
Venom from a snake.
A piece of bread.
A foot of a bird.
A string of hair
on top of the attic.
The fires booming so loud.
To bring doom to my opponent,
cool this off and it
will stay with you forever…

Halloween Fun!!!
by Fabio C.

Triple, triple boiling bubble.
In a house, a haunted house.
A butterfly’s wing, a vampire’s fangs, a
mummy’s brain, Spongebob’s eye, a bunny’s
ear, a skeleton’s hand, a bird’s mouth, a cat’s

Triple, triple boiling bubble.
A human’s blood to give taste.
This is a charm for peace.

Spooky Poem
by Eli G.

Night, night, darkest night.
The moon is bright for
some trouble. Leg of an ox, and
arm of a goat, horns of a
buffalo, a bunch of money and
two eyes of an eagle and a fin
of a fish and two spiders
with nine fingers of a person.
For a spell to stop trouble.

Night, night, darkest night.
The moon is bright for
trouble. Cool it with some
water, and the spell is ready
to go.

Ms. Chadhuri
Feel the Burn! or Poof!
by Destiny R.

I say poof!
Let’s raise the roof!
Dragon’s nail
Pig’s curly tail
Werewolf’s eye
baby bird that can fly
Little boy Feg
A bloodstone ring
A doorbell ding.

I say poof!
Let’s lower this roof!
Now this charm is almost done.
Let it carry me to and from.

Landscape Changer
by Dante A.

Diamond, Emerald, landscape changer,
one of super strength.
In the pot on the stove, the ingredients will be added.
Yeast, flour, and water,
clock, hair, and grass,
bat fang and bone of elephant,
amethyst and soy milk,
ninja mask and cowboy boot,
wart hog tusk and fingernail clippings,
Landscape changer without touch,
like a wayward asteroid.

Diamond, Emerald, landscape changer,
one of super strength.
Use maple leaves to cool it down,
and the potion’s ready.

Fire Spell
by Sam N.

Crumble, shumble, microwave beep and
oven burn. In the microwave boil and
bake. Add the guts of Jenny Whoose,
8 bananas of monkeys for the best, to set fire
on the rest. Seed of rootabega, toe of dog, tounge
of a penguin and shaggy ape. The spell will
be bright as dawn when a forest fire has spun.
Zucchini root and blind bat’s blood then
an ice cube so we won’t die. Then the last
ingredient of all, the black marshmellow.
Crumble, shumble, microwave beep and
oven burn, then we’ll see something burn!

The Potion of Mind
by Alexander N.

Death, Death, answer my request:
make my knowledge all the best.
Candles from a dead girl’s robe,
a man’s mustache which is
a fake. Skull of bat and liver
of frog; tail of rat and foot of dog.
In the pot goes the face of a man,
pour in tadpoles from a can.
Drink it like you drink
milk at birth, then your mind
will be the best on earth.

Ms. Furgason
Halloween Spell
by Deidre C.
note: this spell is to make people into their costumes, and stil speak English, if you’re some dead person or animal, something like that.

Churn, churn, shine bright,
with silver and gold,
in a hot bronze pot.
Water, sparkles, add in
care, lens of glasses,
a wig of any kind,
a piece of raw hamburger
20 years old, pink ink
frozen in an ice box
for a week.
Then wait for another
Add clay and you’re almost
Churn, churn, shine bright
with silver and gold.
A drop of my blood.
It should start to bubble.
Then take it and pore
it on anyone in
costume for Halloween night.

How to Make a No Homework Spell
by Zachary L.

No homework! No homework!
Put al ingredients in an alligator head.
Piece of paper, and a pen.
Math book, and beak of a hen.
Toilet paper, rotten eggshell,
shark jaw, and finally
the last ingredient to
make it work: a light bulb.
No homework! No homework!
Now my spell is complete!

Go Dolphins!
by Robert G.

Jumbo Athletico, rotten cheese, spiders and
fleas, monkey bones, fish eyes, dolphin tails
and shark teeth, and 10 old footballs to
make the Dolphins win the Superbowl!

1 comment:

uzair khan said...


how to cure black magic