About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Monday, November 26, 2007

What They Love

This week, before Thanksgiving, the student poets at Bell looked at a beautiful but strange poem by Lisa Jarnot called They Loved Paperclips. The poem is a list of all the things that "they" loved. We talked about third person, lists, what kinds of things in the world we love, and also rhyme and play with words in poetry, which Ms. Jarnot does in her poem. The students were asked to write their own poems using "they loved", picturing themselves and their families as the "they" in question. The student poets rose to the challenge, and created beautiful poems. Enjoy!

Ms. Chadhuri’s Class
They Love…
by Genevieve P.

The love Pokemon and pickles,
Club Penguin and popcorn.
They love Hannah Montana and
funky paperclips, butterscotch on ice cream.
They love cats and rubber bands,
and birds and bees and chocolate
fudge. They love music and Christmas
and hot cocoa.

They Love Love
by Alexandra S.

They love reference books, fake wood, homework, books,
current events, and politics. They love France, airplanes,
the number five-hundred-quadrillion, digital clocks.
sign language, and growing trees. They love the
sound of fallen leaves rustling under their feet,
the soft clinking of metal chains, and wooden
building blocks. They love the sensation
of drinking soda, the vibration of a motor of
an airplane taking off, and warm sleeping
bags. They love anagrams and itchy hats and
the smell of salty oceans. And they love belonging.

They Loved Glass
by Fhebielyn B.

The loved slingshots, string,
pictures of clouds and a blade
of grass. They loved melodies,
winter, ice cream, and piano
pieces. They do not love waiting,
yelling, waking up at 6:00, and
wigs. They also do not love
the color jade. They never loved clocks,
bugs, keys, boxes, but they
always loved people, like
friends and family.

Ms. Furgason’s Class
by Jack S.

They hated homework
they hated school
they hated disgustingly green broccoli.
They loved the cold, dripping ice cream.
They loved the plump stuffed turkey.
They loved leaping into the
dusty leaves they just raked.
They loved the wilting
old willow tree in their back yard.
They hated weekdays.
They loved the fire-breathing
dragon hidden in their yard.
They loved the furry cat
that loved them back.
They used to love their old dog.
They loved me, and I loved them.

They Love…
by Julius S.P.A.

They love cookies, brownies, and pie.
They love pizza, pot stickers, and sushi.
They hated indoor recess, homework, report cards.
They hated porcupines, needles, and slivers.
They especially loved recess, lunch, and Saturdays.
They especially loved monkeys, turtles, and dogs.

They Loved Nintendo
by Benjamin N.

They loved Nintendo DS, PSP, fish, baseball, and
traits of writing. They did not love taxis, girls,
homework, school, dirty diapers, or paying.
But they definitely loved money,
books, rewards for school, getting
money, and their pets, and lastly BB guns, Wii,
and October 20, 1997.

Mrs. Fukawa’s Class
The Holidays
by Adrian M.

They like the iPhone, they like the xbox 360, they like
their family. They like iPods, they like the PS3, they LOVE
the Wii. The love the holidays.

They Loved…
by Stephanie A.

They loved ladybugs to give good luck.
They loved trees on the sky.
They loved water from the waterfall.
They loved singers of rhymes.
They loved dogs chasing cats.
They loved houses with insets.
They loved light that shines like sun.
They loved wizards for wishes.

They Loved…
by Maddy P.

They loved music, dancing, animals,
cooking, giving, recycling, holidays,
and family, sports, any game system,
cell phones, friends, board games, books.
They loved hotdogs, water, cats, poetry,
MONEY! movies, conditioner. They don’t love
work, school, pollution, dolls, dresses, or homework!

Ms. Manuel’s Class
They Loved…
by Sonja G.

They loved dogs and snow.
They didn’t like rain on spring days.
They loved playing games and drawing.
They loved to celebrate Hanukah and
birthdays and Thanksgiving. They loved
the beach and the waves in the
ocean. They loved horses and going
to the zoo, and also they loved to rake
leaves in fall. They loved colors
and rainbows. They love to travel
to different places and they loved
to play with puppies.

They Loved Everything
by Jacob J.

They loved ice cream and candy, they loved
the Phoenix Suns, they loved chocolate
and cake too. They loved Pepsi and they
loved Bettys too, and they loved basketball.
Also, they loved pools, but most of all
they cared about their family too.

What They Love
by Austin S.

They love baseball and staying up
late on Fridays and getting groovy and
watching movies and Christmas
and celebrating birthdays.

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