About Hands on Stanzas

Hands on Stanzas, the educational outreach program of the Poetry Center of Chicago places professional, teaching Poets in residence at Chicago Public Schools across the city. Poets teach the reading, discussion, and writing of poetry to 3 classes over the course of 20 classroom visits, typically from October through April. Students improve their reading, writing, and public speaking skills, and participating teachers report improved motivation and academic confidence. You can contact Cassie Sparkman, Director of the Hands on Stanzas program, by phone: 312.629.1665 or by email: csparkman(at)poetrycenter.org for more information.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Questioning the Secret Nature of the World

This week, the students dove off the deep end of making sense! We looked at a small portion of Pablo Neruda's Book of Questions, and talked about what secrets of the world he was trying to reveal. I encouraged the student writers to ask a question that was both descriptive AND revealed something about their subject that only they knew (thus, essentially, making stuff up!). This was a tough poem to write, and the Bell poets rose to the challenge admirably!

Mrs. Chadhuri’s Class

by Caleb P.

Tell me, why does the monkey
cover its gorgeous body with
flea infested hair?
What egg is eggplant
made of and why does
it taste so bad?
Who made the Venus fly
trap so angry at the flies?
Why does the hail pelt the ground
so angrily? Has the sky upset it?

by Alex C.

Why does the lion wear a fuzzy scarf around
its neck and not just go buy a coat?
What does the lemur use its tail for,
and paint it with stripes?
Why did the dove fly in
a gallon of white paint?
Why does the plecestomus (oleaner fish)
fall in love with junk?

by Ryan R.

Does a pigeon move its head forward
and back because it dances?
Does snow fall white because
the Gods spilled baking powder?
Does a cactus have spikes
because Indians shot arrows into it?
Is a lemon oval-ish because someone
stretched its sides?

Ms. Furgason’s Class
The Questions that Cannot be Solved

by Angelica C.

Why do butterflies always wear
the same pearls on their wings?
Is snow little diamonds that melt
once they touch your flesh?
Are Venus flytraps made
out of Venus’s core?
Is corn little pieces of gold melted
to edible perfection?

Questions Are???
by Julius SdV

Are turtles spaceships
because they have shells?
Are thunderstorms alive
because they move?
Did sunflowers come from the sun
because they’re yellow?
Are kiwis a plant
because they are green?

by Zachary L.

Is the alligator’s snout flat because
a bear belly-flopped on it?
Does the blizzard get its snow
from a pitcher of ice cubes?
Is there anything in the world that can burn
the redwood iron type of bark?
Does the cantaloupe get its
sweetness from a beehive?

Mrs. Fukawa’s Class
The Four Wonders

by Hyunwoo W.

Do oranges really want us to eat them
or will they group together to do magic in the end?
Is thunder really big and scary
or is it a small beaver in the sky clapping its hands?
Are rabbits really scared of us
or are they planning and deceiving us?
Do all piranha plants stay in tubes
because of the plants that don’t come back?

Is The…
by Leo P.

Is the Zebra’s coat lined because he mixed
his darks and his whites in the washing machine?
Is the tsunami in water because
it tastes better than dirt?
Is a Venus flytrap eating flies
because other insects are too sour?
Is the potato brown because
being yellow is too bright?

by Bilal A.

Does orangutans orange red hair
come from eating a lot of oranges?
Does a tornado spin because it is mad?
Does a Venus flytrap eat flies
to seem tough?
When a tomato seed goes into
the ground does it turn red?

Ms. Manuel’s Class

Why does the Rain Cry?

by Eli G.

Tell me, do goats have
horns or stumps?
Tell me, why do sandstorms
get angry, or are they always that way?
Why do apple trees drop apples,
or are they chopped down?
Why do squares have eight corners?
Why does Chinese food taste
different from any other food and still taste good?
Why are food stores so crowded when
there are so many around the world?

If and But
by Nathan W.

Does a liger live in Bell school
or in a cave?
Is a hurricane alive to destroy
or to bring peace?
If a tree could walk, would
it go to Starbucks?

by Ashley N.

Why does a dolphin have a
bottle on his nose?
In the rain, how does
the sky turn into iron?
Why does the marigold
get its color from the sunset?
How does the grass grow up?
Why are the apples red?
From the worms?
Why do pumpkins grow
along the ground?

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